US Consumer Confidence amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

Americans Are Worried About Work, Hunkered Down with TV

About This Report
Most Americans are at least somewhat worried about losing their jobs, and tens of millions have already filed for unemployment. We look at how consumers are responding to the coronavirus crisis.

Executive Summary

Life has gotten strange. Most people in the US are living under stay-at-home orders and attempting to stay far enough apart from others to minimize spreading COVID-19. That means working from home, job losses, new routines and new worries.

How are US consumers feeling since the coronavirus outbreak?

In a word, concerned. They are worried about their health (and the health of loved ones) as well as the economy, and many are already reporting a hit to household income.

How have shopping behaviors changed during the pandemic in the US?

Out of necessity, people are shopping much less in stores, and more online. Though many more consumers are turning to online grocery, not all of them are having a great experience. Granular trends remain unclear as a combination of news and logistics issues lead to fluctuating demand.

What devices and media are US consumers spending their time on as they stay at home?

The biggest screen in the house is getting more attention than usual as families gather around the TV to either watch traditional broadcast and cable or stream video—or to play video games. News and children’s content are surging in interest.

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report includes consumer research about their concerns about the coronavirus pandemic and associated economic slowdown and analyzes shopping and at-home behaviors during the crisis.

KEY STAT: More than half of US adults were worried about losing their jobs as of April 5, according to The Harris Poll. Millions more have filed for unemployment in the weeks since.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. The Coronavirus Recession
  3. Shopping in a Pandemic
  1. Consuming Media and Advertising During a Crisis
  2. Key Takeaways
  3. eMarketer Interviews
  1. Read Next
  2. Sources
  3. Media Gallery

Charts in This Report

Interviewed for This Report

Stephen DiMarco
Chief Digital Officer
Interviewed April 15, 2020
Ellen Houston
Civis Analytics
Managing Director
Interviewed April 17, 2020
Casey Taylor
Vice President, Client Development
Interviewed April 15, 2020

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