US B2B Martech Spending Forecast 2022

Digital-First Marketing Drives Growth in B2B Martech Spending

Executive Summary

B2B marketing technology (martech) spending will continue to grow in 2022, albeit at a slower pace than at the height of the pandemic. Back then, there was an acute rush among B2B companies to build out and modernize martech stacks, elevating spending. As B2B marketers become increasingly digital-first, martech spending will continue to grow. By 2024, B2B martech spending will be $8.51 billion.


  1. How much will be spent on US B2B martech?
  2. What trends and market conditions are affecting this forecast?
  3. What does this forecast mean for B2B marketers?

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This inaugural report provides a forecast for B2B martech spending through 2024, describes key trends driving growth, and offers marketers guidance on investing in martech.

KEY STAT: B2B martech spending will total $6.59 billion in 2022 and grow by nearly 30% over the next two years.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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    Table of Contents

    1. Executive Summary
    2. Key Points
    3. The B2B Martech Ecosystem
    4. How Big Is US Martech Spending Overall?
    1. What Trends Affect This Forecast?
    2. What Does This Forecast Mean for B2B Marketers?
    3. Insider Intelligence Interviews
    4. Read Next
    1. Sources
    2. Media Gallery

    Interviewed for This Report

    Leslie Cocco Alore
    Global Vice President, Growth Marketing
    Interviewed June 23, 2022
    Scott Brinker
    Interviewed August 15, 2022
    Raj De Datta
    CEO and Co-founder
    Interviewed August 23, 2022
    Danny McKeever
    Senior Director, Marketing Operations and Technology
    Interviewed July 1, 2022
    Jon Miller
    Interviewed July 18, 2022
    Sydney Sloan
    Stage 2 Capital
    Limited Partner
    Interviewed June 22, 2022
    Stephen Streich
    Group Vice President, Product, Oracle Marketing
    Interviewed July 6, 2022
    Scott Vaughan
    Vaughan Go-to-Market Advisory
    Chief Market Officer, GTM and Marketing Advisor
    Interviewed September 28, 2022

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    Senior Forecasting Analyst
    Dave Frankland
    Principal Analyst, Marketing
    Ann Marie Kerwin
    VP, Content
    Melissa Rosenberg
    Senior Researcher
    Shelleen Shum
    Senior Director, Forecasting

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