UK Digital Video Viewers 2022

Audiences on Connected TVs Represent Growing Opportunities for Marketers

Executive Summary

Digital video is one of the most popular media formats for consumers, and it should be popular for digital marketers as well. This report highlights key audience attributes and what they mean for marketers.


  • How many digital video viewers are there in the UK, and what’s their demographic makeup?
  • How are they viewing video content—on what devices and service-provider platforms?
  • What challenges and opportunities does this present for digital marketers?

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? Our latest overall estimates for digital video viewers in the UK, plus breakouts by device and platform. Features some of the biggest influences on the space and what any changes might mean for marketers.

KEY STAT: Digital video viewer numbers will surpass 50 million this year, accounting for nearly three-quarters of the UK population.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Key Points
  3. Viewership Continues to Rise Despite Challenging Market Conditions
  1. Older Viewers, BVOD, and CTV Growth Fueled Forecast Changes
  2. Ad-Supported SVOD and CTV Provide Opportunities for Marketers in the Digital Video Space
  3. Read Next
  1. Sources
  2. Media Gallery

Charts in This Report

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Bill Fisher


Ross Benes
Senior Analyst
Angela Kim
Senior Researcher
Monica Peart
Senior Director, Forecasting
Paul Verna
Principal Analyst