Top 10 Tech Trends for 2020

The Era of Intelligent Connectivity Draws Closer

This year, 175,000 tech enthusiasts from 160 countries descended upon Las Vegas for CES 2020. As one of the world’s premier technology gatherings, the four-day event featured more than 2.9 million square feet of exhibit space, offerings from more than 4,400 companies, and 250 conference sessions. This report highlights some of the most promising technology trends from the event, and why marketers should be paying attention to them.

Which products and trends from CES 2020 were most buzzworthy?

Flying air taxis, foldable phones and plant-based pork made a big splash—as did artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT) and 5G connectivity. It’s now clearer how these technologies will evolve together to help businesses become more efficient and enable people to live healthier and more productive lives.

How is new technology changing the way businesses operate?

The convergence of technology—including the “triple threat” of AI, the IoT and 5G—is ushering in an era of intelligent connectivity and is making products and services possible that were inconceivable just a few years ago. It is fostering new and exciting partnerships both within and across industries. For example, automakers are partnering with big tech to integrate voice technology, with media companies to provide streaming services, and with financial services firms to enable car-based payments.

Why should marketers care about all this new tech?

Though CES was founded as a consumer-focused exhibition, it now provides an important venue for business professionals to see tech in action. Marketers can use many of these new innovations to enhance existing products, engage their customers in new ways, reduce costs, predict campaign outcomes and improve efficiency.

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report draws on themes from CES 2020 to provide an overview of the top tech-related trends this year and why they matter for marketers.

KEY STAT: AI, the IoT, 5G and voice are among the most buzzed-about technologies today. As these converge, marketers worldwide see them playing a larger role in future campaigns, according to a December 2019 report from Warc.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. No. 1: AI Is Making the IoT Smarter
  2. No. 2: 5G’s Value Becomes Clearer
  3. No. 3: Big Tech Confronts Data Privacy
  4. No. 4: Connected Mobility Spotlights Partnerships
  5. No. 5: Tech Becomes More Intuitive
  1. No. 6: Screens Get Bigger, Smarter and More Flexible
  2. No. 7: Extended Reality (XR) Sees Incremental Developments
  3. No. 8: Tech Fast-Tracks Healthcare Data
  4. No. 9: Is Tech Solving the Right Problems?
  5. No. 10: Sustainability Becomes More Urgent
  1. Key Takeaways
  2. Read Next
  3. Sources
  4. Media Gallery

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Victoria Petrock


Chris Keating
Research Director
Yoram Wurmser
Principal Analyst