The Ninth Annual Global Media Intelligence Report Is Now Available

eMarketer’s Collaboration with Starcom Worldwide and GlobalWebIndex Covers 41 Countries

eMarketer, in collaboration with Starcom Worldwide and GlobalWebIndex, released its annual Global Media Intelligence Report on key digital trends worldwide this week.

For this 2019 edition, we’ve retired a couple of metrics and added some new ones, but the focus remains the same: to provide the in-depth information about consumer behavior that advertisers and marketers need to create and execute effective campaigns. The consistency of GlobalWebIndex methodology means we’re also able to offer 2018 vs. 2019 comparisons; these provide vital indicators of exactly where and how quickly changes are happening.

While consumer trends are clearly evident across the 41 markets featured in the Global Media Intelligence Report, no country is exactly like another with respect to device penetration and the adoption of social media, time-shifted TV and other activities. Inevitably, there are intriguing outliers.

“The GMI Report continues to be one of eMarketer’s most popular publications and is certainly one of the most interesting to compile,” said Karin von Abrams, principal analyst and author of the report. “For the second year in a row, we are partnering with GlobalWebIndex and Starcom to look in detail at the behaviors of internet users around the world—including their use of traditional and digital media and ownership of various devices, such as smartphones and smart TVs. Overall, the data provides insights into key global trends, as well as granular knowledge of specific features in individual markets.”

Expanded coverage this year includes usage of voice assistants and smart-home devices. For each market, media and mobile device penetration rates are available, along with demographic breakouts by age, gender and income or socio-economic group.

The Global Media Intelligence Report is eMarketer’s largest, most comprehensive snapshot of the current state of media consumption worldwide, covering six major regions—Asia-Pacific, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, North America and Western Europe—and 41 countries. This year’s report contains more than 490 charts for all local markets, which Starcom and GlobalWebIndex helped identify and gather through its global network, in addition to benchmarks, analysis and context provided by eMarketer.

While the full report is only available to eMarketer PRO subscribers, nonsubscribers can download a four-page Executive Summary.

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