The news: Target is adding three new package sorting centers with more planned in the coming years to speed up its online delivery and reduce its shipping costs. Two of the new facilities are in the Chicagoland area and the third is near Denver.
Focused on the bottom line: Target’s so-called "store-as-hub" strategy has improved the efficiency of its online order fulfillment, allowing the retailer to speed up local delivery times and avoid the complications that often make online orders less profitable than in-store sales.
The new model: Target isn’t alone in looking for ways to make ecommerce more efficient, profitable, and faster to better compete with Amazon.
The big takeaway: Despite short-term challenges due to its failure to foresee the abrupt shift in consumer spending habits, Target remains focused on its long-term ecommerce strategy that builds on its existing assets. That approach should put the retailer in a strong position to thrive as ecommerce grows its share of overall sales.