How to tailor influencer marketing to different generations

Influencer marketing is often associated with Gen Z and millennials, and for good reason. Nearly half of both generations are likely to trust an ad featuring an influencer, according to June 2024 data from Captiv8. But 79.8% of US Gen Xers and 53.9% of US baby boomers will use social media this year, per our May 2024 forecast. Here’s a breakdown of how marketers should leverage influencer marketing to reach each generation.

Gen Z

Key stat: Over 66% of US Gen Zers have made a purchase directly through a social media platform, per Captiv8, meaning this generation is perfect for influencer marketing.

Where to reach them: Gen Z’s top social platforms are Instagram (72.5%) and TikTok (71.2%), per our May 2024 forecast.

How to reach them:

  • Lean into realness and transparency by partnering with creators who offer authenticity, per Captiv8.
  • Work with creators who support the social causes and values of your brand.
  • Work with the same creators across multiple platforms to demonstrate authenticity. Create campaigns leveraging the same influencers on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
  • Give creators bullet points, rather than putting together scripted content.
  • Find long-term partnerships with influencers to demonstrate their dedication to the brand. These influencers are more likely to get the correct messaging across without a script.
  • Work with influencers who actually use the products they’re promoting.


Key stat: Two-thirds of millennials have made an ecommerce purchase due to a discount or promotion, per Captiv8.

Where to reach them: 78.7% of US millennials are on Facebook, per our forecast, but influencer marketers should also embrace Instagram (69.9%) and TikTok (48.6%).

How to reach them:

  • Lean into educational content. Half of millennials do not trust ads with a lack of clear information on brands and content or a lack of reviews from customers, per Captiv8.
  • Leverage how-to and get-ready-with-me video formats.
  • Millennials are also after discounts. Work with creators to offer discount codes or promote reward programs.

Gen X

Key stat: 54% of Gen X consumers feel ignored by brands and marketers who are focusing more on both younger and older generations, per Captiv8.

Where to reach them: US Gen Xers are most likely to be on Facebook (67.9%), per our forecast, but this generation is also on Instagram (39.1%). Unlike younger generations, Gen X is more likely to use Pinterest (29.5%) than they are to use TikTok (21.8%), per our forecast.

How to reach them:

  • Partner with Gen X influencers who will focus on Gen X priorities including family, career, and financial stability, per Captiv8.
  • Demonstrate value. Half of Gen Xers said price is the most important factor when buying from a social media ad, per Captiv8.
  • Content should demonstrate practical solutions to real-world problems.
  • Use affiliate marketing and discount codes to encourage conversions from these price-sensitive consumers.

Baby boomers

Key stat: More than half (56%) of baby boomers have made an ecommerce purchase due to a discount, per Captiv8.

Where to reach them: 48.7% of US baby boomers are on Facebook, making it the No. 1 place to reach the generation, per our forecast.

How to reach them:

  • Work with influencers who are experts on the product or industry. Boomers are looking for this kind of expertise and credibility.
  • Be clear and direct with messaging. Some 51% of baby boomers have said a lack of clear information about a brand or person promoting a product makes them less likely to trust the ad, according to Captiv8.
  • Emphasize value and limited-time offers to create urgency.

This was originally featured in the EMARKETER Daily newsletter. For more marketing insights, statistics, and trends, subscribe here.