Southeast Asia Digital Users Forecast 2023

Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand Lead Growth

Executive Summary

Southeast Asia is one of the world’s fastest-growing regions in digital device adoption. Its internet usage is highly focused on mobile devices. Nearly 90% of its internet users will also use smartphones in 2023, but over a third of the population will remain offline by the end of this year.

Key Question: How does Southeast Asia stack up against other regions in digital adoption?

KEY STAT: In 2023, 88.9% of internet users in Southeast Asia will also be smartphone users—a higher rate than those in more economically advanced regions like North America and Western Europe.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Southeast Asia will gain internet users at a faster pace than most other regions.
  1. In Southeast Asia, digital activities center around smartphones.
  2. Southeast Asia’s digital gap continues to narrow.
  1. Sources
  2. Media Gallery

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Man-Chung Cheung


Paul Briggs
Principal Analyst
Ruoyan Zeng
Associate Forecasting Analyst