People think social media, search companies most impacted by generative AI

Key stat: 72% of adults worldwide think generative AI will have a very or somewhat large impact on social media companies, and 71% think the same of search engine companies, according to data from YouGov and Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford.

Beyond the chart:

  • This year, 29.3% of people in the US will be generative AI users, per our June 2024 forecast.
  • Social media companies have already leaned into generative AI, most recently with Meta launching AI chatbots on Instagram.
  • Google is also using generative AI to drive its AI Overviews in Search, with mixed results.

Use this chart:

  • Emphasize the importance of integrating AI into marketing strategies.
  • Highlight opportunities for innovation and investment in generative AI.
  • Advocate for responsible AI practices.

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Methodology: Data is from the May 2024 Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford report titled "AI and the Future of News: What Does the Public in Six Countries Think of Generative AI in News?" conducted by YouGov. 12,217 adults ages 18+ were surveyed in Argentina, Denmark, France, Japan, the UK, and the US. The online surveys were conducted during March 28-April 30, 2024, with approximately 2,000 respondents per country. Samples were nationally representative for age, gender, region, and political leaning.

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