The Shakeout From Apple’s Privacy Update

How AppTrackingTransparency Affects Publishers and Advertisers

About This Report
Apple's introduction of AppTrackingTransparency in iOS 14.5 changed how the mobile app industry approaches monetization and measurement. Here’s what you should know about the changes, along with best practices for mobile publishers and advertisers.

Executive Summary

The rollout of AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) in iOS 14.5 effectively deprecated the primary way publishers and advertisers track users on iOS and changed how the mobile ad industry approaches monetization and measurement.


  1. How is ATT affecting our forecasts for platforms’ mobile ad revenues and overall mobile ad spending?
  2. How have platforms, publishers, and advertisers changed their strategies in response to Apple’s privacy changes?
  3. What are the most effective new strategies for each player, and which should be prioritized?

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? A look at how ATT has affected mobile app publishers and advertisers’ monetization models, budget allocations, and measurement strategies, and an exploration of changes driving the best results.

KEY STAT: Across apps, the number of US users that have seen the ATT prompt and opted into tracking is relatively low, at just 37% as of December 2021. Still, that’s higher than initial industry predictions.

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Nina Goetzen


Caroline Fulford
Senior Researcher
Evelyn Mitchell
Analyst, Digital Advertising & Media
Jessica Lis
Analyst, Technology
Yoram Wurmser
Principal Analyst