Retailers Deliver Healthcare

How Big Retailers Are Becoming Healthcare Disruptors

Report Snapshot

Retailers want a piece of the $4.3 trillion US healthcare pie. They’re now investing billions of dollars in healthcare companies and platforms to fortify their internal clinic and pharmacy offerings. These players will disrupt the industry by bringing convenient, technology-centric care to consumers, while also boosting their own bottom lines. Incumbent providers will feel mounting pressure to match the competition.

Key Question: Why are retailers increasingly moving into healthcare, and how concerned should incumbents be?

KEY STAT: We estimate that 83.7 million US adults, or 31.6% of the population, will visit a retail health clinic in-person this year.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Report Snapshot
  2. Retailers are making multibillion-dollar healthcare investments and acquisitions.
  3. Consumers value what many established healthcare providers aren’t offering.
  4. Most patients get retail clinic care at CVS and Walgreens.
  1. Some retailers hope their health clinics will boost other sales.
  2. Value-based care could be retailers’ revenue growth engine.
  3. Retailers’ reputations will help determine their success in healthcare.
  4. The primary care market is still big enough for established healthcare providers.
  1. How should traditional providers respond to retailers’ healthcare ventures?
  2. What does all this mean for healthcare providers and retailers?
  3. Sources
  4. Media Gallery

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Rajiv Leventhal


Jeane Han
Senior Researcher
Lisa Phillips
Principal Analyst, Digital Health