Q2 2022 Digital Video Trends

YouTube Makes TV Viewing Inroads, and Upfront Spending Stays Steady

About This Report
YouTube isn’t just for the smallest screens as more viewing takes place on other connected devices and mobile use declines. Streamers are taking in more upfront ad dollars. Netflix is shaking things up after subscription drops.

Executive Summary

This is the latest installment in an ongoing series of quarterly video overviews focusing on monetization, audience, and content. On the radar for Q2: new forecasts for local and national TV ad spending and YouTube time spent by device. Updated ad spending forecasts for upfront TV, upfront digital video, upfront connected TV (CTV), linear addressable TV, and linear programmatic TV.


  1. What is the split between local and national TV advertising?
  2. Where is upfront ad spending growing?
  3. How much time do people spend watching YouTube on TV screens?

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report covers key events in the digital video industry based on data, trends, and business activity in Q2 2022. It includes new forecasts for local and national TV ad spending and updated ad spending forecasts for upfront TV, upfront digital video, upfront CTV, linear addressable TV, and linear programmatic TV.

KEY STAT: Daily time spent on other connected devices will account for 36.4% of all YouTube viewing.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Key Points
  3. Monetization
  1. Audience
  2. Content
  3. Read Next
  1. Sources
  2. Media Gallery

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Ross Benes


Chuck Rawlings
Senior Researcher

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