What’s the sweet spot for podcast ad frequency?

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The average US household was served the same podcast ad 4.76 times in Q2 2022. That quarter marked an unusual decrease in ad frequency, and as a result conversion rates went up, according to Podsights.

Beyond the chart: By 2025, over 40% of the US population will be monthly podcast listeners, per our forecast. Next year, about 27% of them will tune in on Spotify, while less than 22% will listen via Apple, which continues to lose market share to its Swedish rival and other services.

But Spotify’s growth in podcast listeners and premium subscribers is slowing down. The platform will have to find ways to capitalize on ad revenues without overloading listeners.

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Methodology: Data is from the August 2022 Podsights "Benchmark Report Q3 2022." Data is based on a rolling 12-month average (July 2021-June 2022) collected from 8 billion ad impressions and 3,000 campaigns for 938 brands, representing an estimated $530 million of podcast ad spending. Podsights is a marketing attribution platform for podcast advertising.