According to our estimates, mobile will account for $76.17 billion of US media ad spending in 2018. That's more than TV ($69.87 billion)—and it's significantly more than print ($18.74 billion), radio ($14.41 billion) and out-of-home ($8.08 billion).
By the end of the forecasting period (2022), mobile ad spending is expected to more than double that of TV. The channel will make up $141.36 billion of US media ad spending, while TV will account for $68.13 billion.
"With respect to TV, content like news and sports are starting to move online," Utreras said. "So we expect to see a shift in dollars for those categories as well.
"At the same time, we increased growth for mobile, as companies like Facebook and Google are still driving double-digit growth. Part of that is driven, of course, by digital video growth coming from platforms like YouTube and Facebook."