How will marketers curb their third-party cookie cravings?

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In preparation for the cookieless future, marketers are homing in on first-party data to target consumers. Worldwide, 36% of marketing professionals expect that customer purchase history will be their most valuable source of data once third-party cookies are gone. Meanwhile, 32% see social media profiles as key, and 31% plan to rely on website registrations.

Beyond the chart: The impending deprecation of cookies in Google Chrome has created a new strategic landscape for advertisers, but the long runway for this change—now extending into 2023—offers some breathing room. In the US, 86% of marketing decision-makers relied on third-party cookies to some extent, per an October 2021 study by Sapio Research. That said, 68% of US industry leaders don’t expect the demise of third-party identifiers to affect revenues, per January 2022 polling by the Interactive Advertising Bureau.