Other channels like mcommerce and social commerce have also captured consumer attention. For example, 37% of US adults in the Salesforce survey said they were more interested in mobile app shopping than they were last year, and 22% said the same about shopping via social media.
Additionally, usage in click and collect has surged—specifically curbside pickup—which has allowed shoppers to make immediate purchases while minimizing human contact. This buying method is also likely to increase during the 2020 holiday season. We had previously forecast that US click-and-collect ecommerce sales would increase by 38.6% this year. Now, we expect growth to be 60.4%, with sales reaching $58.52 billion.
As for the overall market, we expect there will be a 10.5% decline in total US retail sales this year, with a 14.0% drop in brick-and-mortar sales due to social distancing measures. Ecommerce, however, is poised to grow 18.0%, following a 14.9% gain in 2019.