LinkedIn to Grow Faster than Expected

LinkedIn will grow faster than previously expected, according to our latest estimates. This year, we estimate that there will be 62.1 million adult LinkedIn users in the US, which will grow 4.2% in 2021 to 64.7 million. By the end of the forecasting period in 2023, we expect there to be 68.8 million users.

LinkedIn users make up about a third of all social network users in the US, and that will stay approximately the same for the next few years. Revenues on the business social platform continue to grow, with most coming from B2B advertisers. This year, LinkedIn will see $1.59 billion in ad revenues, growing another 11.2% to $1.77 billion in 2021.

“LinkedIn continues to innovate its platform and offerings for both users and advertisers,” said eMarketer principal analyst Jillian Ryan, author of our forthcoming report on LinkedIn publishing later this month.

“Although, when compared with social platforms like Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn can be considered a slower follow, the social network has recently launched features like LinkedIn Live and Events," she said. "While these new experiences aren’t unique to LinkedIn, the use cases for professional audiences can be differentiators for maintaining current users and attracting new ones.”