Industry Insights: Spotlight on Retail

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The retail experience emerging in 2021 suggests that companies need to be able to adjust to rapidly changing conditions—technology and taking chances will be key to that flexibility.

Curated by eMarketer, this special collection of interviews will help you understand how brands are focusing on innovation and digital integration as they modify their marketing strategies for the “new normal.” Download this complimentary Roundup “Industry Insights: Spotlight on Retail,” and learn how:

  • Mint Mobile’s CMO, Aron North encourages and is a proponent of a risk-taking marketing culture
  • Shiseido’s executive vice president, Alessio Rossi envisions digital transformation with a human touch
  • Mack Weldon’s founder and CEO, Brian Berger brought compassion to its consumer base
  • Banana Republic’s vice president and head of stores, Jen Mullen leverages mobile couponing and social campaigns to drive in-store trafficArticle’s vice president of marketing, Duncan Blair plans to invest in digital discovery tools

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