The Gulf Streamers

What Marketers Need to Know About Sky-High Digital Media Consumption in Saudi Arabia and the UAE

About This Report
Saudi Arabia and the UAE have some of the most digitally engaged consumers in the world. Here’s how they stack up globally.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have some of the most digitally engaged consumers in the world. This deck will:

  • Share key insights from our 13th annual Global Media Intelligence Report—with a focus on consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
  • Discuss various forecasts and time spent with media metrics, including time spent with podcasts, online TV/streaming, social/messaging, and more.
  • Highlight where opportunities lie for marketers given the high levels of digital engagement in these countries.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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First Published on Jan 29, 2024


Zia Daniell Wigder


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Senior Chart Editor
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