Gen Z leads the pack on Snapchat, TikTok

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Key stat: 51.1% of US Snapchat users will come from Gen Z this year, according to our September 2023 forecast. TikTok is also dominated by Gen Z, with 44.7% of users coming from that age group.

Beyond the chart:

  • Teens’ top online platform is YouTube, followed by TikTok and Snapchat, according to Pew Research.
  • Even though a higher percentage of TikTok’s viewers come from Gen Z, YouTube has more Gen Z viewers overall, according to our forecasts. However, they represent a smaller percentage due to YouTube’s massive overall user numbers.
  • Younger users are shying away from Facebook. Just 17.4% of US users on the platform will come from Gen Z in 2023.
  • For advertisers looking to target Gen Z, there is a massive social media ad opportunity on Snapchat and TikTok. When it comes to streaming, Disney+ and Netflix also offer opportunities to reach Gen Z. And YouTube remains relevant due to its sheer size.

Use this chart:

  • Determine where to reach each age group.
  • Allocate streaming and social ad money.
  • Assess Gen Z digital habits.

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Methodology: Estimates are based on the analysis of survey and web traffic data from research firms and regulatory agencies, the growth trajectory of major video sites, major social networks, major gaming sites, historical trends, internet and mobile adoption trends, and demographic adoption trends.