Many notable data points emerged from this busy week, including Google's search usage, resounding global trust in influencer recommendations, and most Americans don't know they're using AI-enabled products (even though 99% recently have).
Here are five stats we found particularly interesting.
Key stat: For the first time since 2015, Google's search market share dropped below 90.0% in the last three months of 2024, according to Statcounter. Google hit 89.3% of search market share in October, 89.9% in November, and 89.7% in December
Key stat: Almost 8 in 10 customers worldwide (79%) trust influencer recommendations, and 61% said they made a purchase via a link shared by an influencer in the last six months, according to the 2024 "Rakuten Advertising Influencer Survey."
Key stat: 99% of Americans reported recently using at least one common AI-enabled product (including personal virtual assistants, navigation apps, weather forecasting apps, etc.), according to a new study from Gallup and Telescope. However, almost two-thirds (64%) didn't realize that they had used an AI-enabled product: 50% said they had not and 14% said they were not sure.
Key stat: Netflix was found to have the lowest percentages of ads per program, per a Sherwood assessment of the percent of time spent viewing ads on streaming services' ad-tiers versus the percent of time watching popular shows. Disney+ had the highest percentage, with 16.6% of time spent watching ads while streaming an episode of "Star Wars: Skeleton Crew."
Key stat: The global smartphone market grew 4% YoY in 2024, after two consecutive years of annual decline, according to Counterpoint Research.
This was originally featured in the EMARKETER Daily newsletter. For more marketing insights, statistics, and trends, subscribe here.