The digital divide between English and French Canada is closing. Anglophone digital media consumption used to outpace Francophone usage by a wide margin, but most recent figures show it’s almost on par. However, French speakers in Quebec are still slower to adopt aspects of digital like ecommerce and video, something digital marketers must account for when targeting consumers in the province.
What’s behind this digital divide?
It’s about language mostly—and the relative lack of French content on popular digital platforms. But a strong local economy and improving disposable incomes are increasing the spread of digital tools and services throughout Quebec.
How big is the gap now?
Francophone internet reach and usage is almost on par with Anglophones in the country. But usage of online services in Quebec trails across the board.
Why is TV so popular in Quebec?
Quebec’s “star system,” where TV programs feature local celebrities to drive viewership, provides ample original content, most of which is being produced on TV. There is evidence that the entertainment culture is spreading to digital platforms and services.
What does this mean for brands targeting consumers in Quebec?
Digital media avenues have gained significant traction, and some brands are proving the effectiveness of these channels via local media. Ardent support for homegrown media is a focus for many brands and a means to protect against digital forces from abroad, like Facebook and Google.
WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report explores the similarities and differences between Canada’s Francophone and Anglophone populations when it comes to digital media adoption.
KEY STAT: Nearly eight in 10 adult smartphone owners in Quebec accessed the internet via their smartphones on a daily basis in 2019, up from 67% in 2016.
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