Facebook, TikTok see growth among niche groups, but the core user base remains stable

  • Facebook use continues to decrease across all generations except Gen Z. The number of Gen Z Facebook users in the US is expected to jump from 49.0% of the cohort (33.9 million users) in 2024 to 56.9% (40.5 million users) in 2028, per our forecast. They lag Gen Xers and millennials in terms of user numbers and average daily time spent on the platform, although time spent is decreasing among age groups under 55.
  • Facebook’s Gen Z gains are driven by practicality and general aging. Roughly 36% of Gen Z is still under 18. So, a portion of the generation is just now gaining social media access, and Facebook’s prominence continues to make it essential. In addition, Facebook's features outside of direct social communication—such as event organizing, niche community groups, and Facebook Marketplace—make it a useful tool. Among Gen Z Facebook buyers (ages 15 to 26), 75.0% made a purchase on Marketplace in the past 12 months, according to our US Social Commerce 2024 survey.
  • TikTok has reached saturation among Gen Z, but it’s continuing to grow among baby boomers. Our forecast indicates that TikTok adoption rates continue to rise steadily across generations, but the greatest jump will occur among the oldest users: 1 million boomers in the US will adopt the app in the next year. That bumps the number of users from this cohort from 8.7 million to 9.7 million, up 10.5%. This growth, while small overall compared with other generations, is indicative of TikTok’s ease of use, fulfilling boomers’ desire to connect with current trends and, likely, younger family members.

Read the full report, US Social Media Users and Buyers by Generation 2024.