Digital Video Forecast and Trends Q3 2023

Strikes Shut Hollywood Down, Streamers Raise Prices to Push Ads, and Ad Prices Coalesce

Strikes shut down Hollywood and streaming services across the board raised prices this quarter to push users to more lucrative ad-supported tiers. Meanwhile, streaming ad prices coalesced around $30 to $40 costs per thousand (CPMs), and Netflix reworked its ad sales partnership.

Key Question: What forecasts, data, and trends emerged about video and TV in Q3 2023?

KEY STAT: We forecast Netflix’s average US CPM will be $47 in Q4 2023.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Streaming ad price outliers regress to the mean.
  3. Netflix expands its advertising audience.
  1. Seeking profitability, streamers increase subscription prices.
  2. Hollywood strikes crimp content production.
  3. Upfront TV prices decline amid a soft market.
  1. What’s coming in Q4 2023?
  2. Sources
  3. Media Gallery

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Ross Benes


Oscar Bruce Jr.
Senior Forecasting Analyst
Paul Verna
Principal Analyst