Digital Video Advertising Trends 2019

Digital video is growing. In fact, it’s rare to come across an area of digital video that isn’t seeing increased investment. Ad spending in digital video is no exception, and we anticipate it to grow 20.8% to more than $36 billion this year in the US. It’s happening in OTT and connected TV, as well as across mobile devices, programmatic exchanges and social media platforms.

Curated by eMarketer, this Roundup of articles, insights and interviews will help you understand key trends in digital video today. Download this complimentary “Digital Video Advertising Trends 2019 Roundup” to learn:

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You'll learn:

  • eMarketer’s latest digital video ad spend forecast
  • A breakdown of video ads on mobile, social, connected TV and more
  • What you need to know about TikTok’s ad formats

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