7 creative ChatGPT uses you haven’t considered

Though ChatGPT has been publicly available for less than two years, we expect it will have 67.7 million monthly US users by the end of this year. That puts ChatGPT ahead of Reddit (60.8 million) and X (53.8 million) in monthly users. But because the tech is open-ended, the chatbot is only as useful as the people prompting it are. Here are seven creative uses for ChatGPT that have caught our eye.

1. Envision the outcome of a decision

The Multiverse Decision Maker GPT offers a look into how every possible future might play out, depending on what decision you make now. It’s perfect for considering every possible outcome in a professional (or personal) decision and presenting that future. The chatbot comes from Queen of Swords founder Jenny Nicholson, who also created Zola’s Split the Decisions chatbot last year.

Put it to work: A brand marketer is deciding between partnering with two different celebrities. The Multiverse Decision Maker can help this marketer envision how partnering with each celebrity might impact brand reputation.

2. Personalizing recruitment emails

Custom GPTs can offer a higher level of personalization than standard automation by tailoring recruitment emails to a target’s specific resume, as demonstrated by Matthew Burzon, founder and president of The Source and Recruit Company on LinkedIn.

Burzon said that using a custom GPT can be more tedious than full automation, as recruiters must find candidates and input their resumes or profiles. But personalization can save time further down the line by reaching the right candidates with focused messaging.

Put it to work: A recruiter needs to fill a position for a marketer with experience with a specific DSP. The recruiter finds three ideal candidates and targets each with information on why they’re a good fit for the position, improving potential outcomes for hiring managers.

3. Generating interview questions

ChatGPT can be useful in other parts of the hiring process. Siemens Mobility uses the tool to generate interview questions by inputting an existing job description, head of talent acquisition Allison Whitesell said during Tech Brew’s Onboarding Your New Favorite Coworker, AI event in June.

Put it to work: A manager hiring for a copywriting position at a well-known brand needs to tailor their questions to that specific position. The manager can put the job description into ChatGPT and ask for interview questions that help identify creative thinkers.

4. Optimizing websites to improve search engine rankings

The Web Performance Engineer (WPE) from Darwin Santos, senior technical SEO strategist and AI innovation manager at Webserv, offers step-by-step instructions to improve web speed and user experience, which could improve search engine rankings.

SEO is an area where custom GPTs have a lot of potential because it’s so collaborative, Santos said in an interview earlier this year. “We build on what each [person] shares.”

Put it to work: A product manager for a publisher can run the company’s site through the WPE GPT to get an outline of steps for improvement.

5. Create alt text for images

Alt text is important to both SEO and accessibility, allowing people with visual impairments to understand images. She Knows Alt Text can generate image descriptions, saving social media specialists and blog writers the time it takes to do this manually.

Put it to work: A content writer is writing a blog post that includes 10 images of a community service event hosted by their company. The writer can run the images through this custom GPT to describe these images, saving time and improving SEO.

6. Turn image-based writing into digital text

Searching a scanned PDF or handwritten notes can be tedious. PDF AI by Torbjørn Flensted, founder at SEO.ai, can scan PDFs and extract useful information. Lay users of ChatGPT can do something similar with their handwritten documents by taking a picture and asking the AI to convert notes to text.

Put it to work: A performance marketer returns from a conference with pages of notes. The marketer can take pictures of those notes and ask ChatGPT to summarize key takeaways in order to present to their team.

7. Talk to a cat

If the above GPTs are too useful or productive for you, here’s one that’s just for fun. CatGPT

answers your questions with a cat GIF and a series of “meows,” bringing a new format to the internet’s most important function—sharing cat pictures.

Have you created a custom GPT worth checking out? Email me at slebow@emarketer.com.

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