Burger King, McDonald’s, and Crispy Fantasy (yes, this is work-friendly) have all launched marketing campaigns that make what’s old new again.
Why it’s smart: A January 2022 Journal of Brand Management article found that study participants judged a brand extension more favorably if presented with marketing that evoked nostalgia.
TV ads: “And let’s face it, the song is irresistible, whether or not you remember the old jingle—we’re hoping it’ll be the earworm you can’t shake off,” said Tom O’Keefe, CEO at OKRP, about Burger King’s new ads that hearken back to the famous 1970s jingle, “Have It Your Way.”
Giveaways: McDonald’s has resurrected its Halloween Happy Meal buckets, which were first introduced in 1986.
Packaging: Cereal is another category that got boosted by the pandemic. Sales were declining before 2020, when people could grab a bowl at home and eat their breakfast.
This was originally featured in the eMarketer Daily newsletter. For more retail insights, statistics, and trends, subscribe here.