Brand equity is top purchase driver for consumers, beating out ads

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Key stat: Knowing and trusting a brand is the top factor influencing purchase decisions for US adults, particularly among those ages 55 and older, per an August 2023 CivicScience survey.

Beyond the chart:

  • The most effective way for brands worldwide to build or increase consumer trust is to own up to their mistakes, per a May 2023 survey by Edelman.
  • Other ways brands can build trust include being transparent about their climate impact, supply chain, and employee diversity, and by working with the government to develop regulations.

Use this chart:

  • Identify which strategies drive people to buy.
  • Recognize the importance of brand marketing.

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Methodology: Data is from the October 2023 CivicScience as cited in company blog. 4,440 US adults ages 18+ were surveyed online during August 18-23, 2023. Data is weighted according to the US Census.