“The dream for marketing for many years has been mass personalization.” That’s what Drew Neisser, founder of CMO Huddles, said at the BrXnd Conference in May.
The explosion of generative AI has moved the “dream” of one-to-one messaging personalized for each consumer closer to reality—but concerns remain. Here are four questions surrounding personalization right now.
What does mass personalization mean?
- Personalization in marketing can refer to a lot of touchpoints, from recommendations to location-based targeting to creating user-specific products.
- Personalization also includes how a marketing message is delivered. For instance, brands can contact consumers via SMS, email, or app notifications depending on what they’re most likely to respond to.
- Retailers can use past purchase data to advertise the correct products to the right individuals.
- In a future state, marketers might be able to automatically create specific copy and images at scale for individual consumers using AI.
How do consumers view personalization right now?
There’s a disconnect in how B2C businesses and consumers think brands are doing with personalization. While 46% of B2C business leaders worldwide felt like brands were doing an excellent job at providing personalization as of 2022, just 15% of consumers agreed, according to Twilio data from March.