Amazon US Ecommerce Sales by Category 2022

Digital Grocery and Beauty Products Will Drive Growth

About This Report
Amazon’s two fastest-growing ecommerce categories this year will be health, personal care, and beauty as well as food and beverage.

Executive Summary

Two major retail trends are fueling Amazon’s fastest-growing categories in 2022:

  • Consumers continue to buy more essential goods online, like groceries, household products, and toiletries.
  • The slow but sure “return to normal” phase of the pandemic has released pent-up demand for apparel, accessories, and beauty products.

As a result, food and beverage and health, personal care, and beauty will be Amazon’s two fastest-growing ecommerce categories this year.


  1. What is the outlook for Amazon’s US ecommerce sales growth in 2022?
  2. Which of Amazon’s product categories will grow the fastest in 2022?
  3. How do Amazon’s ecommerce sales stack up against the competition?

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? A breakdown of our forecasts for Amazon’s US ecommerce sales at the product category level.

KEY STAT: Health, personal care, and beauty ecommerce sales will grow 24.4% this year, while food and beverage sales will increase by 20.6%—solidifying their status as Amazon’s fastest-growing ecommerce categories.

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Blake Droesch


Whitney Birdsall
Senior Forecasting Analyst
Bianca Carasus
Suzy Davidkhanian
Principal Analyst, Retail & Ecommerce
Brian Lau
Digital Apprentice
Andrew Lipsman
Principal Analyst, Retail & Ecommerce