AI is emerging as a tool for email automation for B2B marketers

Forty-two percent of marketers said they plan on exploring AI and automation as a strategy in 2023, according to an August 2022 Sagefrog survey. Expect this percentage to skyrocket over the next year. Tools like ChatGPT might make strategies that use email, such as inbound and account-based marketing (ABM), more efficient and effective.

  • AI can help with personalization. AI can segment audiences with precision, choose optimal send times based on recipients’ preferences, and analyze recipients’ behavior and actions—all of which support more personalized buyer and customer experiences. Marketers can use AI-derived insights to make future emails and related content even more relevant, timely, and engaging.
  • AI can help with reengagement. It can be used to identify—in real time—prospects leaning toward a competitor’s offerings, or when a customer becomes less active, signaling that the account may be at risk. This information can be used to send specific, targeted messages to boost conversion and retention rates.
  • AI can help with email list health. It can be used to perform email validation, manage auto-replies, and detect deliverability issues that can hamper campaigns or harm the business’s reputation. These tools use real-time information to help marketers correct issues, clean email lists, and ultimately improve the success rate of email campaigns.