Advancing Marketing Attribution, Part 2

Combining Company- and Channel-Level KPIs

About This Report
Holistic attribution is a must if companies want to understand the incremental effects of their marketing efforts on business KPIs. But how do firms balance business KPIs with their channel-level ones? We share tips and best practices.

As more companies look to attribute their marketing efforts holistically, marketers must inevitably meet both company- and channel-specific objectives.

  • Why is it important for marketers to balance both channel-specific and company-level KPIs? Holistic attribution is defined as the ability to understand how marketing and nonmarketing touchpoints influenced a specific business outcome. But to meet that company-level goal, marketers must typically optimize and modify their efforts at the channel level. In this regard, it’s not unlike an orchestra: To make beautiful music, players must do their best as individuals, as well as keep time with other members.
  • How are companies balancing both KPI types today? Companies best equipped to navigate both sets of metrics have commonalities: They have built models that account for both types of KPIs, they believe the models (with a healthy dose of skepticism), and they understand the insights generated by those models—regardless of their level within their organization.
  • How do companies benefit from aligning company objectives with channel-level objectives? The advantages of holistic attribution done right are greater transparency into channel-level performance and smarter budgeting and forecasting capabilities.

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report discusses how companies are balancing company-level and channel-level KPIs. It highlights key questions marketers must ask to successfully do so and emphasizes the benefits of making this advanced attribution effort work.

KEY STAT: Many marketers use both company-level metrics (e.g., revenues and customer loyalty) and channel-level metrics (e.g., clicks and opens) to measure marketing success.

This report is the second in a two-part series. Part 1, which addresses where attribution practices are today and how marketers can improve their efforts across the organization, can be accessed here: “Advancing Marketing Attribution: A Companywide Blueprint for Success.”

Here’s what’s in the full report


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22expert perspectives

Insights from industry and company leaders.

Table of Contents

  1. The Case for Two Levels of KPIs
  2. Identifying Your KPIs
  3. Balancing Your KPIs
  1. Benefitting from Balancing KPIs
  2. Key Takeaways
  3. eMarketer Interviews
  1. Read Next
  2. Sources
  3. Media Gallery

Interviewed for This Report

Joel Acheson
The Shipyard
Chief Marketing Technology Officer
Interviewed January 10, 2019
Brian Baumgart
Conversion Logic
Co-Founder and CEO
Interviewed January 22, 2019
Mike Bregman
Senior Vice President and Head of Data, Analytics and Technology
Interviewed January 8, 2019
Anthony Ching
Head of Product, Experience Intelligence Serivces
Interviewed January 15, 2019
Ric Elert
Interviewed January 9, 2019
Mike Finnerty
Senior Director, Product Management, Marketing Solutions
Interviewed January 22, 2019
Jeff Greenfield
C3 Metrics
COO and Co-Founder
Interviewed January 10, 2019
Marty Greenlow
Interviewed January 18, 2019
John Hoctor
Data Plus Math
Co-Founder and CEO
Interviewed January 2, 2019
Pankaj Kumar
Senior Vice President, Measurement Innovation, NBCU Insights and Measurement
Interviewed January 28, 2019
Joe LaSala
Analytic Partners
Vice President, Marketing
Interviewed January 8, 2019
John Matthews
Marketing Evolution
Interviewed January 16, 2019
Preeti Mehta
Analytic Partners
Senior Director, Project Teams
Interviewed January 8, 2019
Ikechi Okoronkwo
Managing Director, Marketing Sciences
Interviewed January 14, 2019
Juan Pablo Pereira
Conversion Logic
Chief Client Officer
Interviewed January 22, 2019
Frank Puma
Investment Business Lead
Interviewed November 30, 2018
Andreas Reiffen
Founder and CEO
Interviewed January 7, 2019
Jon Schulz
Interviewed January 22, 2019
Marc Vermut
Vice President, Market Strategy, Marketing Solutions
Interviewed January 22, 2019
Skye Yang
Associate Director, Insights and Analytics
Interviewed January 18, 2019
Katrin Zimmermann
Managing Director, Americas
Interviewed January 11, 2019
Alfonso Imbroda
Accenture Interactive
Managing Director, Accenture Digital, Spain, Portugal and Africa
Interviewed January 4, 2019

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Ross Benes
Nicole Perrin
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Jillian Ryan
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Tracy Tang
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