5 key stats: How consumers shopped Amazon, Walmart, and TikTok Shop in Q1

Nearly a third (32%) of US consumers decreased online spending in Q1 2024, according to Jungle Scout’s latest Consumer Trends Report. Here are five insights into how and where consumers shopped over the first quarter of 2024.

1. Amazon shoppers are motivated by price

Key stat: 71% of Amazon shoppers looked for the lowest price while browsing the site in Q1.

What it means: Consumers remain price-sensitive and the retailers that help them find the best deals will win.

  • Despite 79% of consumers reporting that rising inflation impacted their spending in Q1, Amazon increased sales across 14 of 24 product categories, per Jungle Scout.
  • Quality also matters to Amazon shoppers, with 64% saying they’re influenced by products with the best ratings/reviews and 60% saying they’re influenced by product ratings/reviews with photos or videos.

2. Amazon edges out search engines for shopping queries

Key stat: Over half of (56%) consumers start their product searches on Amazon, more than the 42% that start their shopping journey on a search engine, per the report.

What it means: Brands should diversify their search ad strategies.

  • Walmart.com (29%), YouTube (13%), and Target.com (11%) are also popular places for consumers to start their search, per Jungle Scout.
  • Gen X and baby boomers are most likely to start their searches on Amazon or search engines, while Gen Z tends to start product searches on YouTube or TikTok.

3. Walmart is losing ecommerce share

The stat: The percentage of consumers shopping on Walmart.com declined by 15% in Q1, totaling just over a quarter (28%) of consumers.

What it means: While Walmart may be the top physical retailer, it’s falling further behind Amazon in the ecommerce rankings.

  • Walmart is also facing competition from eBay, Temu, and Target.com, which also rank among the top online retailers in Q1 2024.
  • Still, Walmart remains No. 2 in our retail ecommerce rankings (behind Amazon), raking in $83.18 billion in US ecommerce sales this year, per our forecast.

4. TikTok Shop’s success stems from blend of entertainment, commerce

The stat: Over a third (35%) of consumers browse or shop on TikTok Shop at least once a week, per the report.

What it means: TikTok’s ecommerce push is starting to take hold.

  • Nearly a quarter (23%) have purchased a product directly from TikTok Shop, per Jungle Scout.
  • The main reason consumers browse or buy from TikTok Shop is because they enjoy discovering new products via the platform.
  • Other top reasons include convenience/ease of use, competitive prices or discounts, engaging content/creators, and supporting small/independent businesses.

5. Amazon’s AR endeavor pays off

The stat: 31% of consumers who have used Amazon’s View in Your Room AR tool (which enables shoppers to “place” products like furniture into their real-world environments) say it has led them to buy something from Amazon they would otherwise only buy in person.

What it means: AR can be a valuable tool for ecommerce retailers, enabling online purchases where consumers traditionally buy in-store.

  • A quarter of consumers are familiar with Amazon’s View in Your Room tool, and over half (54%) of those who are familiar use it at least sometimes, per Jungle Scout.
  • But Amazon isn’t the only one experimenting with the tech—Walmart, Google, and Ikea have all launched AR tools to help customers see how products will look in real life.


This was originally featured in the Retail Daily newsletter. For more retail insights, statistics, and trends, subscribe here.