5 charts showing how marketers are thinking about generative AI now that the hype has faded

Generative AI hype has faded, but adoption is still increasing, uses are advancing, and it’s influencing marketers’ workflows and consumers’ behaviors. Here are five charts breaking down the current state of generative AI.

1. Generative AI adoption grew overnight

Generative AI has outpaced smartphones and tablets in speed of adoption in the US. The cost of adoption for generative AI is lower than smartphones and tablets. Most US consumers already own the hardware needed to experiment with generative AI and the tech is often free to use.

While the uptake has been fast, it may be harder for generative AI to outlive its hype. Smartphones and tablets both proved vital to US consumers—now generative AI needs to do the same.

2. Twentysomethings among top AI users

The biggest cohort of generative AI users in the US are 25- to 34-year-olds, accounting for over one-fifth of all monthly users, according to our forecast. That age group is likely to be in the workforce, making them prime candidates for using the tech.

The rate of generative AI use is fairly similar across people between the ages of 12 to 44 in the US. By 2025, more than half of the people in that age range will be monthly generative AI users, according to our forecast.

3. Chatbots reign in AI use

Some 83% of executives worldwide consider chatbots like ChatGPT the most relevant use of generative AI to their business, while 75% are optimistic about generative AI’s use in data and 71% are interested in its text abilities.

More than one-fifth of people in the US will use ChatGPT at least once per month next year, according to our forecast.

4. But marketers see AI’s power in writing and content

Marketers worldwide consider content creation and copywriting to be the most useful generative AI applications, according to a Salesforce survey conducted by YouGov. When it comes to creating that content, the tech is most useful for creating a first draft and content optimization, according to a Bynder survey of marketers worldwide.

Generative AI can help marketers create first drafts, but make sure there is human creation involved in order to avoid a glut of poor-quality content.

5. Privacy more worrying than extinction risk

Four of US adults’ top five AI concerns all involve impersonation, manipulation, and misinformation, according to Ipsos. Marketers using generative AI need to make sure they’re being upfront with how they are using the tech.

There’s also an opportunity for providing a genuine voice to consumers. As the volume of AI-generated content increases, people will be less inclined to believe what they see online. Real, human voices can cut through that noise.

This was originally featured in the eMarketer Daily newsletter. For more marketing insights, statistics, and trends, subscribe here.