4 analyst suggestions for content marketers using generative AI

Content marketers are facing pressure to integrate generative AI (genAI) tools to improve productivity and ROI, but diving in haphazardly could backfire. The best approach to adoption is “thoughtful and strategic,” our analyst Kelsey Voss said on a recent Meet the Analyst Webinar.

“Brands must carefully navigate the pros and cons of genAI and leverage it judiciously to maximize its benefits and mitigate potential drawbacks,” Voss said. Here are four ways to use generative AI holistically in daily workflows.

1. Define clear objectives

Set specific goals for generative AI implementation and consider its role in the wider content marketing function.

  • Identify tasks that could become more efficient, like ideation and basic copywriting.
  • About a third of marketers spend up to 75% of their time creating content, according to July 2022 Capterra data.

2. Invest in talent and training

Hire data scientists and invest in training for your team.

  • “Don’t silo the tech. Integrate AI tools into existing marketing tech stacks and your analytics for optimal results,” said Voss.
  • 64% of C-suite respondents to an Upwork survey said generative AI will lead them to hire more workers, not less.

3. Establish quality assurance

Make sure AI-generated content is accurate, unbiased, and aligns with your brand voice.

  • Develop editorial guidelines that can adjust as the technology evolves.
  • “Establish policies for AI attribution, potential plagiarism, and fact-checking,” said Voss.

4. Prioritize data privacy and compliance

Stay on top of regulatory changes and safeguard proprietary data and customer information.

  • Take special note of regions with strict data protection laws, like the EU.
  • “Make sure that your brand’s security concerns are addressed, and that algorithms that you use or developed are unbiased,” said Voss.

Watch the full webinar.


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